Having taken that path in the Moderato, though, Mr. Franck essentially repeated it in the remaining movements, and effects that should have been cathartic proved strangely inert.
Inside South Africa, the end of the lawsuit puts the burden squarely on the strangely inert government to make progress on getting AIDS medicine to the suffering.
Making Use of Clinches When an opponent clinches, Tyson disappears into an opponent's grip and his offense turns strangely inert.
"Evidence" was duly syncopated but strangely inert, and "Ruby My Dear" came across as merely pretty.
By contrast, even Mr. Gaultier's ineffable chic looks strangely inert.
Skrillex is particularly good at injecting a sense of glee into dubstep, which can devolve into a strangely inert take on elements that are well-suited to rude, physical fun.
Now 48, the actress retains the same lucid gaze and whippet-thin body, but in this film her face looks strangely inert, and she seems deeply ill at ease.
While the Northern fleet was struggling over the bar, the Confederates were strangely inert.
When forced to fight at close quarters, Tyson becomes strangely inert.
All this the Stadtholder took in with a rapid glance, even whilst Pythagoras, round-eyed and scared, was striving with gentle means to raise the strangely inert figure.