Then there is Paul's mother-in-law, Alice, who seems strangely unmoved by her husband's death.
Sonya stares at crayon marks on the table, then shifts in her chair, glances at her watch and seems strangely unmoved.
Angela eventually returned his look with an attempt at a smile, but she seemed strangely unmoved by such a glowing tribute.
Even in the midst of the storm, Sherman felt strangely unmoved by what was happening.
Norman seemed strangely unmoved by the whole business, considering that his wife had left him penniless.
The agrarian countries of Asia were strangely unmoved by the information supplied to them through the United Nations.
He seemed strangely unmoved by his bride's passionate declaration of love for another man.
Amy Reiter of the Los Angeles Times expressed disappointment in both numbers, as they left her "strangely unmoved".
As much as it grieves me to say so, I find that the commander's words leave me strangely unmoved.
Madred felt strangely unmoved, though Picard was trying very hard to move him.