He felt strangely weak, and cold all over.
But his voice sounded strangely weak as he asked the question.
And even though his kisses had made her feel strangely weak in the knees, it didn't really mean anything.
Elena looked up at the man who held her captive, and felt strangely weak.
Now, in the back of the cab, Burke felt strangely weak.
His eyes, a very pale grey, seemed strangely weak and unfocused.
But when forced to make the suggestions explicit, he sounded strangely weak, as if placed in a role that made him uncomfortable.
But she felt strangely weak, as if she had just suffered through some tremendous ordeal.
At the same time she felt strangely weak, as if her legs didn't want to hold her up any longer.
Then he had been helped to bed, strangely weak, half in dream, and the girl was there.