Smith jumped up, kicking a stool toward the man to foul his legs as he landed, and the stranger managed to avoid the stool but stumbled on his fallen companion.
William T., a 14-year-old Brooklyn boy, said he was standing on a subway platform with a friend not long ago when a stranger, another teen-ager, stumbled into his companion.
A stranger will stumble into the group's camp, telling about a powerful witch who is enchanting up the local creatures in the swamp.
October, AD 79: Flavia Gemina and her friends Nubia, Jonathan, and Lupus, are enjoying dinner together at Flavia's home, when a bedraggled stranger stumbles through the front door.
These three strangers may have stumbled upon the greatest secret in human history.
The stranger stumbled from his thorny cover, receiving several new gashes in the process.
AN AMERINDIAN MISSIONARY VILLAGE AMAZONAS, BRAZIL Padre Garcia Luiz Batista was struggling with his hoe, tilling weeds from the mission's garden, when the stranger stumbled from the jungle.
And, stranger still, David stumbles upon a child whom Carl and the pot hunters keep hidden from the world.
The stranger stumbled on the uneven ground, giving Gurney just enough time to bend over and ram into him like a charging D-wolf taking down prey.
A beefy stranger stumbled into Happy's Landing near dawn.