Then- talk had been the talk of strangers thrown together for a few hours by circumstance.
And, like strangers thrown together, they began to talk of very personal things.
Our lives had collided without plan or warning, two strangers thrown together by a burst of inexplicable violence.
They were strangers thrown into a dangerous situation by chance.
They talked as stiffly as if they were two strangers awkwardly thrown together at a party neither of them had wanted to attend.
The two leaders, once political rivals and still virtual strangers thrown together in a compromise coalition aimed at garnering the widest public support, need to discuss a wide range of policies to find common ground, aides said.
As it stands, fans are going to be treated to the spectacle of strangers being thrown together in the name of a National Basketball Association season, 50 games in three months, with dubious prospects of artistry.
Visitors - vague acquaintances for the most part, with a generous mixture of curious town residents and even a few total strangers (these latter unanimously Stark fans) thrown in for good measure - had taken to dropping by.
In saying this, the captain evidently alluded to an important incident witnessed by the three strangers thrown on board his vessel, and which the French professor had related in his work, causing a profound and terrible sensation.
AS the Prince and Princess of Wales sat only a few feet apart in Seoul's Presidential palace yesterday they could have been mistaken for strangers uncomfortably thrown together.