The man from the east wore a standard straight sword, the plastic scabbard strapped across his broad back.
Morgan Leah drew out the broadsword strapped across his back in a single swift motion.
The dwarf's hand crept to the sword strapped across his back.
Par reached down for the Sword of Shannara and strapped it quickly across his back.
Small Paul unslung the long-hafted axe strapped across his back.
The man to his side pulled a short sword clear of the scabbard, strapped across his back.
His clothes were dusty, and so was the blanketroll strapped across his back.
Once more Bolan began to swim toward the surface, the shark gun again strapped across his back.
Garion became painfully aware of the great sword strapped across his back.
His position made it impossible to draw the long broadsword strapped across his back.