Those news reports sought to draw comparisons to the Bush administration's strategic doctrine or pre-emption.
The strategic and tactical doctrines of 1880 were also recognizably Napoleonic.
However, the modern technology was merely used to enhance the capabilities that had already been provided, thanks to the army's strategic doctrine.
Once final, such a commitment would be a dramatic change in strategic doctrine dating back to the Eisenhower Administration.
Recently, China has changed its strategic doctrine and begun to use economic diplomacy as a coercive tool.
We are using yesterday's strategic doctrine to fail to confront tomorrow's threat.
This failure to take political responsibility has been spectacular since George Bush first implemented his new strategic doctrine.
Nine months after Washington, therefore, the Council has just given birth to its own strategic doctrine.
He helped drafting the strategic doctrine on atomic weapons and efficaciously arguing for it right.
Our strategic doctrine, which some of us remember, was at first "massive retaliation," later "mutual assured destruction."