Instead, Bahrain's security forces intervened and other Gulf states, led by the Saudis, occupied key strategic installations.
About 100 more are "human shields" being held at military and other strategic installations to deter attack from the allied forces based in Saudi Arabia.
Several hundred Western men are believed to have been rounded up for use as human shields at military and strategic installations in Iraq and Kuwait.
Soviet troops entered Afghanistan along two ground routes and one air corridor, quickly taking control of the major urban centers, military bases and strategic installations.
"So you admit photographing strategic installations."
It is an offence to photograph military or strategic installations (e.g. military airports, and the Presidential Palace).
But gardens were not mere decorations to the British - they were strategic installations.
The area contains many strategic installations vulnerable to commando raids.
The military also took control of strategic installations, such as telephone exchanges, police stations and hospitals.
Currently they are tasked with protection of strategic installations such as key factories and transportation centers.