Natural England focuses its activities and resources on four strategic outcomes:
The primary goal is to achieve a political or military objective where a conventional force requirement does not exist or might affect the overall strategic outcome.
Weakening the Cartel might increase Colombia's chances of dealing with it, which was another possible strategic outcome, but not the only one.
A multi-pronged approach is needed to achieve these strategic outcomes.
The truth is that no strategic outcome, good or bad, is dictated by the events in Tiananmen Square.
The continuous monitoring of these strategic outcomes produces strategic learning (the bottom line in the diagram).
The system is self-adjusting only to the extent that the organization is prepared to learn from the strategic outcomes it creates.
Lastay Kulang ended on June 14, with the strategic outcome unclear.
The PSC has set out four program activities that are done to reach its strategic outcome:
Communities First supports activities undertaken with the support of the community which contribute to improving three strategic outcomes: