However, criticism was made of a confusing decision making mechanism for strategic play, overpowered archer units, and some difficulty humps in the campaign.
Jambo shouldn't be good: it's too random, it doesn't allow for much strategic play, and the theme is largely superfluous.
Along with spotting, our general goal has been to allow for more strategic play, even when you're with strangers and not chatting.
Because of their simplicity, push-you-luck games rarely afford opportunities for strategic play.
However, each player also had access to a number of "tools" to encourage strategic play.
California Pedro can be enjoyed with wine, excessive arguing, and stubborn yet very strategic play.
I especially like the commissioner's statement regarding the submission being part of their larger strategic play to resubmit at a later date.
Actually, strategic play is possible in Blackjack.
It's fairly simple, but the whole thing hinges on a brilliant scoring system that rewards strategic play.
'He reached the last two but was beaten by one point thanks to strategic play by his opponent,' says a colleague.