This had been the main strategic ploy in the Chinese war plan as Deng did not want to risk an escalation involving the Soviets.
To dismiss it as a mere strategic ploy undercuts that chance.
Now, he stayed away as a strategic ploy, not out of blind panic.
This was his second strategic ploy of the day.
Finally Valentine, in a startling strategic ploy, said at a news conference on June 6 that perhaps he should be dismissed.
He did want the notion to get around, as a strategic ploy, that if provoked by a foreign aggressor, he might respond disproportionately.
Numph signed it doubtfully and only because it said: "Emergency plan, strategic alternative ploy.
"This is not a strategic ploy on the part of this office to aid anybody," said Steven M. Cohen, an assistant United States attorney.
Was it a strategic ploy by al Qaeda to further distract the FBI from the war on terror?
Frank tried his best psychological and strategic ploys to save the series.