Proton entered the People's Republic of China in 2007 under a strategic joint venture with China Youngman Automobile Group Co., Ltd..
If, as it believes, desktop services become a predominant method of providing information technology infrastructure for the second half of the decade, then vendors must regard the sector as a long-term strategic venture.
For investor clients, the company offers large strategic joint ventures, opportunity funds, and other targeted investment options.
"We have found that most people come to Christ through a relationship, and most people today have most relationships at work," said Jack Munday, ministry manager of strategic ventures for the Graham association.
Kushner has been credited with increasing the Observers online presence and expanding the Observer Media Group through a series of strategic new ventures and acquisitions.
DMCC offers investors sophisticated financial products and has formed various strategic joint ventures to achieve this.
The firms had previously worked together through a strategic joint venture established in 2005 as Lincoln Partners was seeking a partner to expand beyond the US.
"We recognize that Internet telephony has evolved from a geeky, hobbyist thing into something we want included in our array of offerings," said Glenn Edens, president for strategic ventures at AT&T.
Today, regional and global correlations of not only commercial but also political strength are being shaped and the European Union must not get left behind in this major strategic venture.
Icograda is a founding partner of the International Design Alliance (IDA), a strategic venture between international organisations representing design.