While the strategy proposes additional spending in many areas, the current draft does not contain specific budget figures.
However, the strategy proposed does have flaws.
The strategy proposes to meet the projected shortfall of demand over existing supply 42% from conservation, and 53% from additional sources.
Some strategies suggested or proposed for avoiding male infertility include the following:
The strategy proposes a density of 100 dwellings per hectare, primarily for one or two person households.
The strategy proposes doubling the capacity of the transmission grid, to support economic growth, integrating more renewable energy and regional development.
If there is a real problem for young farmers in a Member State, the national strategy should address it and propose the appropriate measures.
The new strategy proposes a long-term vision for a sustainable Europe which goes well beyond 2010.
However, the Commission's new strategy does not propose legally binding measures and deadlines.
I also welcome the fact that the 2020 strategy is proposing a 'Youth employment framework' at European level.