The strategy also recommends the use of quality-assured "fixed dose combinations" or blister packs of pills when available.
All strategies recommend starting a search by seeking individual documents, whether the document is a study, a secondary publication of a single study, or a systematic review.
This strategy recommends that, whenever psychological theorists consider a psychological process, they should also look for the counter-process.
Sun Tzu's The Art of War is central to the game; its precepts are quoted often and its strategies recommended.
These are the five self-care strategies most often recommend by experts.
A second "strategy" recommended was to "protect private property rights" and relieve the liability of land owners whose property is used for recreation.
The strategies recommended included actions by FDA and other government agencies and by food manufacturers, public health professionals, and consumer educators.
This strategy, which will be published in January 2006, will recommend that Member States and local and regional authorities draw up plans for sustainable urban transport.
As a priority, the strategy recommended the lowering, removal or bypassing of these structures to allow more of the river to function naturally.
Mr. DeWolfe said that members can restrict access to their pages to a select list of friends, a strategy often recommended in meetings of parents about Internet safety.