But American strategy still rests on a simple fact: that even the best forces are of little use if they cannot get to the front quickly enough.
IFPRI's institutional strategy rests on three pillars: research, capacity strengthening, and policy communication.
Mr. Kluge's strategy rests on a beguilingly simple premise: More than half the people in the world have not yet made their first telephone call.
Nissan's strategy rests on an assumption of rising oil prices - a bet that is looking good three years on.
The Israeli strategy rested on searching for targets and devising a tactic to engage them once located.
And on that presumed defiance rests Bush's diplomatic strategy.
Such a strategy, he says, rests upon the mistaken premise that every Christian is called to exercise the gift of evangelism.
This strategy rests on the premise that the contras can become a credible political force and dislodge the Sandinistas from power.
In part this strategy rests upon developing credible weapons systems to hold US carrier battle groups at risk should Washington elect to intervene.
Kagan criticizes Alcibiades for failing to recognize that the large size of the Athenian expedition undermined the diplomatic scheme on which his strategy rested.