But as the deadline approached, and it became clear that China was not going to move very much, the strategy shifted.
Because the company's reputation is now on the line, its incentive to take risks falls, and a fund's strategy may shift.
Since the company went bankrupt in 1989, alliances and strategies have shifted.
That strategy shifted our focus away from the fear that preoccupied us for 40 years - the prospect of a global confrontation.
But over the long term, houses can be expected to appreciate, and this strategy will shift the appreciation out of the taxable estate.
When there were no takers at that price, the strategy shifted.
The strategy shifts the Pentagon away from its long-standing doctrine of being able to wage two wars simultaneously.
They acknowledge that their strategy shifted as the company's stock slid from $148.38 early last year to $5.34 on Friday.
One strategy that may gain ground would shift affirmative action to target class, or, more precisely, income.
Once they were discovered, their strategy shifted.