The floor was moist in places from the water that seeped out of the stratified rock of the walls.
The setting sun lifted burnished hues from the stratified rock, before darkness melted around us.
In his presidential addresses he gave the results of original researches on the structure and origin of limestones, and of the non-calcareous stratified rocks (1879-1880).
Ancient seismic activity forced the stratified rock towards the sky and the action of wind and frost have fashioned it into bizarre shapes.
Some 400 feet directly below, waves crashed against the rust-red, stratified rock, a reminder that the sea had reclaimed half the land created by the eruption.
This is at least the case with all the stratified rocks and aqueous deposits forming part of the earth's crust.
A striking example of curved and contorted stratified rocks occurs at Stanbury Creek.
The Cordillera Oriental, however, is composed of folded stratified rocks overlying a crystalline core.
All he could see was stratified rock and more stratified rock in colors ranging from black to dull gray and back again.
Here and there this stratified rock was pocketed by craters, huge circular scars.