Exploration for Kambalda-style nickel ores focuses on identifying prospective elements of komatiite sequences via geochemistry, geophysical prospecting methods and stratigraphic analysis.
The work was the first stratigraphic analysis of midden in Georgia.
A stratigraphic analysis found 55 discrete layers, indicated by changes in shell and sand mixture.
In: The application of ichnology to palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis.
David Neev conducted stratigraphic analysis in 1967 to provide further evidence from a sequence of sediments left by the lake.
The history of the Earth is organized chronologically in a table known as the geologic time scale, which is split into intervals based on stratigraphic analysis.
Furthermore, the Cosgroves work at Stalling island was the first stratigraphic analysis of midden in Georgia.
Based on stratigraphic analysis, the findings also provide insight into the climate at the time of the making of the footprints.
Carbon dating and stratigraphic analysis showed the remains to be 10,000 to 13,000 years old.
About 30 years after the original finds, a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the area surrounding the fossils was carried out.