He was knocked aside by a thrown printer and hit by a stray blast from Unicorn.
A stray blast of wind set the fires to dancing, sending sparks toward the cavern ceiling with a whoosh and a roar - and the thought that came whispering in from the night with it set Chilaili's beak to chattering.
Not a scratch from a stray blast or a ricochet.
Renaissance Station had been placed in an equatorial orbit to lessen the possibility that a stray blast would take out its electronics.
He had completed twelve of the sixteen steps needed to disarm the device during his first attempt aboard the Orion, before a stray blast of lightning had nearly cooked him alive.
Still another stray blast briefly ionized the air, once again coming uncomfortably close to Shran's back.
The units were flooded by stray blasts from the firefighters' hoses and by their own sprinklers, which were set off by the intense heat.
In the ensuing psychic battle though, Matthew was hit with a stray psychic blast, which permanently destroyed his shattered mind.
The assassins attempt to follow, but a stray blast from Ghidorah buries their car in an avalanche.
Before Malness can take another shot, another stray blast from Ghidorah buries the assassin under a second avalanche.