As he approached the decrepit marble archway his eyes instinctively scanned the ground, his feet avoiding stray branches that could snap underfoot, announcing his presence.
Some people ignored the "No Tree Climbing or Shaking" sign and shimmied up or poked the trees with stray branches.
Zeke took a stray branch he had pried off of a nearby bush.
Outside, snowflakes skittered against the window and stray branches of forsythia, bone bare, clawed at the glass.
I picked up one of the stray branches and inhaled.
Paige was glad of her strong boots, but she would gladly have thrown her bag away, for it either kept falling off or got caught on stray branches.
In one notable image, a pine tree off a dirt road is flanked by a droopy palm tree and the stray branch of another tree.
Gloves may snag on a catfish's tooth or a stray branch and trap a noodler underwater.
Sneaking quietly under a stray branch, Joey crouched and leaned in toward the bush where the noise came from.
We gathered stray branches and pulled thorny vines into the aperture.