They weren't just looking for stray cattle, those Florida cowboys that Clenwick had imported from other regions.
He just smiled and said, "Come to think of it, we did see a few stray cattle.
Though unable to "catch" stray cattle these distinctive items remained on locomotives until the end of steam.
He was searching for stray cattle when he discovered the entrance to the cave.
We have to depend on stray cattle for a while, I guess.
Lieut. Mike Timm was the first who put out the call to search for stray cattle.
They also rounded up the quieter sort of drunk and the more docile kinds of stray cattle.
Cowboys of old had to deal with stray cattle and city people with stray dogs.
This was a place for penning stray cattle prior to the enclosure of the common fields - 1758.
Contented, he continued on his way, gathering his stray cattle.