It was a stray comment, but for Mr. Hill it led to a long preoccupation.
Minnie, overhearing a stray comment while waiting for the school bus, thinks her good friend Charles is giving a party on Saturday (never mind that she knows his birthday, like hers, isn't until June).
At a time when any stray comment deemed racially insensitive can cost someone a career, that sensitivity can be magnified when the writer is a white Southerner extolling the South.
The last, stray comment startled Rom, and he could not help glancing over at Wyte.
A flying wedge of wire-service reporters trails his every move, seeking the stray comment that could affect billions in transactions.
We'd been fingered, probably by some stray comment made when we gave our statements.
About 1465, provoked by a stray comment by his father, Rao Bika left Marwar (Jodhpur) to create his own kingdom.
Campbell was an anti-Semite, as not just his stray comments to friends but also his published writings make clear.
Good features ended too quickly, audio problems let viewers hear stray comments before and after commercials, and celebrity chats were, as usual, inane.
A stray comment from Infante, one that hadn't made much of an impression at the time, came back to Nancy.