"I would not recommend that you look up this shaft, because stray rocks occasionally come down from where we are working," he warns.
There, stray rocks of mis- fortune litter the path, but he guides the horses around them with the merest touch of the reins.
We just missed the pile, but the left front struck a stray rock with such force that we all hit the roof.
However, a police report had previously concluded that the damage was instead caused by a stray rock.
He stayed on his feet, wishing that a stray rock would take him, remove any need for decision on his part.
He picked his way carefully across the stone-strewn floor, sometimes catching a claw on a stray rock, or stubbing a toe painfully.
One day, when the fishermen were collecting rocks to use with the fixed-nets, a stray rock fell and killed one of the cats.
He was killed by a stray rock when they besieged Paris.
He went over to the perimeter wall overlooking the town, grabbed a stray rock, put it on the ground in front of them.
He thought of questioning stray rocks, but didn't want to reveal the nature of his magic in the presence of the fauns.