Instead of a hard drive for storing transferred movie and TV downloads, video will be streamed directly from iTunes.
Content is streamed directly from the Xbox 360 Dashboard.
The music is streamed directly from the Ezmo server at approximately 128 kbit/s.
Rolly can play music streamed directly from any Bluetooth-enabled cell phone, computer, or mp3 player.
A light streamed from the portholes of the master's cabin directly below the pilothouse, dimly reflecting across the black water.
When using the iPlayer's web service, programmes are not downloaded to an iPod or iPhone, merely streamed directly over the internet.
This content is streamed directly onto Amp'd phones; service plans range from $30 to $150 a month and include prepaid options that do not require a contract.
New hotness: Entire episodes of television shows streamed directly to your computer.
They produce live, taped or live-to-video tape television productions that can be distributed worldwide via satellite and fiber-optics or streamed directly via the intranet/internet.
Why old movies aren't allowed to be streamed directly or documentaries which aren't the latest Hollywood blockbuster, I can't understand.