A large stream of energy strikes the Ouroboros tower and a portal to the demon world is opened.
The blue-white stream struck her, it turned her to flame.
As they emerged from the shed, a stream of water, running off the thatch, struck the mare on the neck.
The road turned sharply where the stream had struck a wall of solid granite.
Before the issue can be resolved, a large stream of energy strikes the tower and a portal to the demon world is opened.
A stream of urine struck the water leaving a phosphorescent trail on the surface.
Machine guns opened up on them as they did so; streams of bullets struck sparks from their armor.
He gasped as a stream of fluid struck him in the face.
The kettle reverberated with a dull roar as a stream of water struck the bottom.
He tried to argue, but it was fruitless; the stream of her words struck him like water from a fire hose.