The tiny stream, which had barely merited the name moments before, quickly swelled into a rushing cataract, topped by frothing white water.
Its stream swelled, a torrent, mere inches deep, yet a force that clamored, foamed, dragged.
Rivers and streams quickly swelled with spring runoff, reaching heights surpassed only in 1894.
Although outside the 100-year flood plain, massive rainfall and upstream land development caused the stream to swell to more than ten times its normal height, also flooding other locations in Clarkdale.
These streams are normally minor trickles less than a foot deep at the trail crossing, but can quickly swell beyond their normal volume after heavy rain or snow.
During monsoons, this stream swells into a raging torrent notorious for its devastating power.
Water ran high; river, lake and stream swelled to overflowing.
Then I realized that the walkway had vanished below the water when the previous stream had swelled into this mighty Mississippi.
The stream, already high from earlier spring floods, had swelled to more than double from tributaries.
During the rainy season in summer-especially after a typhoon-these streams can swell.