The piece was written at a point in Genesis' career when they were transitioning from progressive rock to a more streamlined, commercial approach.
Another explanation finds its roots in today's more streamlined approach to travel.
We noted within operations a more streamlined and systematic approach to gathering data across environmental indicators from the print sites.
This branch, made up of three groups, provides a streamlined approach to processing some 40 000 energy development applications each year.
"The challenges and demands of the 90's, we believe, require a structure which can manage growth while maintaining a streamlined, focused approach to our business."
We expect this streamlined approach to deliver operational efficiencies.
Last week, however, I had yet another bloody mishap that made me wonder about a more streamlined approach to everyday lacerations.
The emphasis is on using new and cost-effective materials in a more streamlined and straightforward approach, she said.
They said a streamlined approach, coordinated at the state level, would allow them to serve more young people without necessarily increasing budgets.
A more streamlined approach is essential for the Union to remain competitive.