One adopted a completely streamlined form and is, outwardly, just another 30-foot fish.
Despite their ungainly motion on the land, the creatures' streamlined forms gave them a certain grace.
As if to make his own streamlined form a model for his company, he neither smokes nor drinks.
The first change in the crest occurred in 1908 when the letters adopted a more streamlined form and appeared inside a circle.
Yourkevitch's famous "streamlined form" was realised for the first time in its construction.
The department has computerized much of its paper processing and introduced new, streamlined forms, reducing the number from 64 to 17.
From the 1920's into the 50's, appliances were designed in the streamlined form of modes of transportation.
There he saw three gigantic sea-going creatures, each remarkably similar to the next in its functional streamlined form.
They have no neck, streamlined form, paddles, and fish-like tail.