The big streamlined trains didn't stop here.
It was a revolutionary new diesel-powered train, streamlined and luxurious, that changed the public's expectations of rail travel.
Furthermore, we already hold contracts to construct thirty streamlined trains at a million dollars each.
Our orders for streamlined trains have forced us to consider expansion.
The added resistance was essential, because streamlined trains would travel at much higher speed than those that they replaced.
A group of racers, organized one after the other like a streamlined train, can always travel faster than one going it alone.
After the war new streamlined, diesel-powered trains were placed in service on February 23, 1947.
A second trainset delivered in 1941 made possible four streamlined trains each way.
Thus was conceived the last complete streamlined train to be built for a private railroad in the United States.
In scheduled services the engine ran with a streamlined train, but only at speeds up to 160 km/h.