During the day, the crowd was reported building street barricades to protect the demonstration.
The officers and strikebreakers were attacked, after removing street barricades, while attempting to move their truck through the crowd of strikers.
In 1642 some basic fortifications were built, in the form of street barricades and small earthworks.
All day in Syracuse the raiders had been plundering, or storming the few street barricades that held out.
Random soon found a street barricade in danger of falling to an Empire attack, and moved in quickly to support it.
They fought surprisingly well trying to hinder the superior German forces by an extensive network of hastily established street barricades.
Some built street barricades, others sheltered Sandinista guerrillas.
Building and manning the street barricades was one job given to the Kaldakans who refused to fight with all the new Oltec.
Rather than condemn the street barricades, they support them.
Youths had erected burning street barricades nearby, apparently as a distraction.