Likelihood is you'll get some dolt that doesn't know any better to sell it to you prior to the street date.
The album has a street date of February 21, 2005.
Volume 34 had a scheduled street date of April 7, 2009, but never released.
Most of the buildings along the main street date to the 19th century.
An initial street date of August 13, 2002 was announced only to be postponed.
Problems occasionally arise, however, when a street date is delayed.
Some of the few great cake shops still remaining in the street date from that era.
The album had a slated street date of November 2005, and neither it nor the music video have been released.
Essentially a gentlemen's agreement, street dates are set by studios to give all stores, large and small, an even start.
Put those tapes in 100,000 outlets and it's a lot to keep penned up behind a street date.