Hundreds of thousands of his followers were in the streets demanding that their civil rights be recognized and that Dr. King's assassins be brought to justice.
Walking the streets of Venice, Aschenbach is accosted at every turn by beggars, street sellers and others demanding his custom.
In a brief screen headline, the channel said: "ElBaradei: ready to take up power for a transitional period if the street demanded it."
Vimes had attended for nine months or so, until the streets demanded he learn much harder and sharper lessons.
That is - providing they're not busy marching in the streets demanding the same fiscally impossible entitlement schemes their ancestors ruined them for.
In its heyday of counterculture chic a generation ago, the streets of this Wisconsin capital pulsed with protesters demanding a fair share for America's poor people and its racial minorities.
More than a million people were on the streets demanding democracy and often Mr. Li's resignation but most of them have gone unreported by their colleagues and bosses.
To see the thousands of Ukrainians in the streets demanding what was stolen from them is an inspiration.
Ten of them were spread across the street in one long flanking line, like a military parade, and behind were more teenagers, younger, less able to keep up the steady, demanding pace.
Millions of protesters took the streets demanding the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak but why hadn't this happened sooner and what exactly did they want?