The street was humming with activity.
Even older neighborhoods and strip malls are neat, and the streets and highways are humming with traffic.
Though Bethlehem's streets hummed with activity, there seemed little expectation that the respite would last for more than a few days.
Now the streets hum with cars, to the point where one street has a stop sign at every corner to slow traffic.
The streets of Melbourne hummed on a Sunday.
The streets around the Kadhimiya bomb site, though somber, hummed Sunday with quiet repairs.
As Jennifer Medina recently explained in this section, once-barren streets are humming with business again.
For a second day, Kabul's streets hummed with activities barred by the Taliban.
The dark streets hummed with as much life as any in Tar Valon.
The narrow streets of ancient Babylon hummed with rumor and counterrumor.