Landscaped street medians are common on two-lane collector streets.
Montebello's municipal tree division is responsible for maintaining the city's trees located in the parkways, street medians, parks and golf course.
In Santa Monica projects include a $10 million recycling plant that will treat the water and then pump it for use irrigating parks and street medians.
Elsewhere, MAX runs within its own exclusive right-of-way, in street medians, alongside freeways, and on former freight railroad lines.
In contrast, $1,000 invested in a "storm water source control" like vegetated street medians or sidewalk parks reduces these overflows by 14,800 gallons or more.
A lone panhandler begging for change at a street median had crossed out the "www.
After her clothes and shoes were repeatedly stolen in a city shelter, she began panhandling on a street median to raise money for a $40-a-night hotel room.
The line is signalled with advisory wayside signals except on surface portions in street medians or in-street running.
In the past, residents would often use the mounds of trash that dotted street medians as landmarks.
His most magical achievement might be planting beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers in 800 traffic triangles and street medians, something no one ever thought of before.