The music video, which was filmed in Sydney, Australia, shows a homeless man on a street moving his hands as if playing a piano.
She watched in steadily growing fear as the black sedan moved down the street, its tires slowly crunching over the path just left by the Caddie.
Now there's a thought: if the high street can move into the mall, why can't the mall move into the high street?
People on the street moved automatically to avoid her without even wondering why.
The streets move in strips.
Eleven fire trucks lined our street and scores of firefighters were moving in and out, their radios blaring inaudible commands.
As the current image focused on a single city, its great buildings broken and burning furiously, Jysar noticed that the streets were moving.
Debris littered the street and only an occasional breeze moved a bit of trash, a discarded newspaper.
His Father felt that the streets there were too dangerous and soon packed up the family and moved to Santa Monica.
By the 60's, as television began to nudge out street games, automobiles took over the streets and immigrants moved out of the city, the game's pulse dimmed.