In the old centre of town, where the streets narrowed, we came up behind a dump truck.
The street narrowed and the traffic slowed.
At the dome opening, the street narrowed to four lanes and then turned into a dirt road a few meters north of the dome.
The trees vanished, the street narrowed, the snobbish bars gave way to sleazy joints.
The street narrowed and worked its way into the hillside, the landscape changing abruptly from urban to rural.
The streets narrowed and the houses were older.
The street narrowed to an alley, which dead-ended abruptly.
The street ahead had already narrowed, stretching, intersecting at a distant point that approached with impossible speed.
The street narrowed ahead, broken-topped buildings leaning out drunkenly.
The street down to Greene's house narrows past the bakery, the hardware store and the self-service laundry.