Soon the street opened onto the Green, a broad expanse in the middle of the village.
A gallows was in the market square on which the street opened.
We crossed the street and a guy in a top hat opened the door for us.
The street opened into a plaza - here the water in the streets became a river, flowing west.
Suddenly the buildings came to an end and the street opened into a huge, circular plaza.
To his right now, halfway up to where the street opened into the town square, was the church.
The widened street and the subway line both opened on July 17, 1918.
When they turned the corner the street opened into the bright square and there the wives were, still sitting on the edge of the fountain.
Finally on June 10, 1926, the first street in Venice opened to traffic.
Away over in the corner where a street opened into the square, the wind had stopped.