Gangs of 30 guys would position themselves right on the street selling drugs.
"I hope to be on the street selling this in 10 days," Ms. Golinkin said.
They were on the street selling drugs or they were in gangs.
There was a man in the streets selling apricots, and we had never seen any before.
Ellie's mom apparently went crazy, and Ellie ended up on the streets selling drugs to make money.
There are many outlets on this short street selling dresses, shoes and other goods.
I told myself at least once a day that I no longer had to hustle the street selling ads.
By the time death came, the son was on the street selling the bundles that destroyed the father.
Every store manager has authority to lower prices if he sees the store across the street selling for less.
They would often send him out into the streets selling picture frames to tourists to make money.