I wondered whether I would ever have the courage to go out into the street wearing all that cloth.
A couple came in from the street wearing evening clothes.
She had always watched him work to a secret internal rhythm, much the same way people now danced silently down the street wearing Walkmans.
People flock the streets in their hundreds, wearing fancy dress, a tradition upheld by all ages.
Jerry: There was this beautiful woman walking down the street wearing just a bra.
I would see Lincoln on the street wearing a suit of olive-green Army clothes.
What I don't understand," she added, "is these people who go on the street wearing riding clothes, and they have never been on a horse.
During the period covered by this report, it was more common to see women on the street wearing the hijab and, much less frequently, the veil.
Women are padding around the hot streets wearing these softly constructed flats with all kinds of clothes.
If a girl walked down the street wearing a sword a man would try to take it off her.