All these parties competed with each other and Islamists in street-level activity and sought support among the military.
A. With the disarray, it's even harder to control criminal, street-level activity.
And critics point to a deterioration of street-level activity.
The Supreme Team's narcotics operations used dozens of employees, including layers of drug sellers to insulate the gang leaders from the street-level activity.
"It is important to have street-level activities and retail provides that."
Attempts to revitalize depressed neighborhoods have succeeded largely because of improvements in street-level retail activity.
The parking garage will be mostly below grade and accessible to the street-level commercial activity by escalator or to the residences by elevator.
The lowest level, the Società Minore, is made up of lower-level criminals who do street-level activities.
Too many cities have criminalized street-level activities such as panhandling, street art, community gardening, and food vendors.
In addition to parliamentary-level competition, all these parties (as well as Islamists) competed in street-level activity and sought to recruit support among the military.