White's main strength is his considerable speed for a man of his size, and causes many defenders headaches.
The strength of my voice caused Eoain to give me a wondering look, and he sighed as if in relief.
And the uncanny strength, the vicious imagination, could cause the Human body pain beyond its capacity to endure.
Wonder Woman, who is immune to the ravages of age, finds that her strength causes the creature no pain.
In fact, the strength of the economy may have caused the slight rise in the unemployment rate - more people are searching for jobs.
I can only assume that the strength of his body, and the short time the dart was in, caused a partial effect.
His unchallenged strength causes him to be alone, as he can not make any human friends without harming them.
This strength may cause overdose (even death) if taken by a person who has not been regularly taking narcotic medication.
The strength of the drone's force field is causing Mick's hair to stand on end.
The strength of the cry caused the black cat to moan in pain.