Łamignat's strength sometimes drives Kokosz furious with envy, yet they are still friends.
His very pride and strength of character were driving him to suicide.
She sighted on the nearest neighboring star and climbed into the Up-and-Over, drove with all her strength.
Parker's strength is driving to the basket, and he has developed a symbiosis with Tim Duncan on the pick and roll.
He renewed his attack against them, will and not strength driving the motion of his arm, which was so fatigued he could no longer feel it.
Harper paddled, his strength driving his side of the punt faster than Sharpe's.
The strength of the swing almost knocked the knife from his hand and drove him to his knees.
Leroux's strength, an enormous strength, drove it through bone, through the spinal cord, and into the brain.
Her strength drove it into the dirt, where it lodged for a long, bad second before she was able to wrench it free with a grunt.
Standing one at each side, they swung it back and then with all their strength drove it against the timber.