By January 1910 their overwhelming strength had enabled them to subdue most of the eastern tribes.
If you're Corliss, the natural strength of your hair would enable us to lift you right off the ground, and you'd scarcely feel it.
Perseverance and strength of character will enable us to bear much worse things.
Their military strength in those days enabled them to wipe out the entire tribe of Gbaylo.
Israel's basic values and the strength of its people will enable it to meet this test.
Ultimately, only the strength of the denial system enables the sufferer to function at all.
The man's great strength enabled him to plunge a knife into the lion and kill it before being eaten.
My vampiric strength had enabled me to handle the box containing his live, unconscious body as if it were empty.
However, Icon's superhuman strength enables him to lift (press) well over 100 tons.
His strength enabled him to hold his weight off me, and his eyes showed nothing but pleasure.