If my Shalafi were in the full strength of his power when he tried to come Through the Portal, then, no, I could not stop him.
By that time, Lajjun's influence was diminished by the increasing strength of Acre's political power and Nablus's economic muscle.
Send me the blessed strength of your power.
Literally it means those who prevail on strength of their power.
He was known for his strength and demonstrations of his power.
It depends on the strength of your power and on your education.
Help me to show them the strength of your power.
And though Alyx hadn't overtly stepped in as commander of the mission, the very strength of his power demanded that she stand aside.
After its use, Kahlan could recover the strength of her power in an hour or two, but for Dennee, it sometimes took several days.
Farian won her place with the strength of her power, and there are none about able to match her, not to speak of besting her.