A new management team was charged with the reducing debt, strengthening the company's financial base and diversifying product lines.
Then, while we're treating with the Druufs, we'll also be strengthening and reinforcing our base in their system.
His acts as king were to strengthen his kingdom's economic base.
A major objective of the ministry has been to strengthen the country's industrial base.
"It's just a matter of time now, and while we wait for the inevitable I can be strengthening my base of support."
Do you go for someone who strengthens your base or extends your appeal?
Under these unique circumstances, Kissinger strengthened his institutional base as the administration's principal foreign policy adviser.
He is strengthening his base, and that's what he's got to continue to do.
He expanded the spoils system during his presidency to strengthen his political base.
As such, Europe needs to find ways of strengthening its industrial base to face up to new challenges.