Among recommendations, it urged the Electoral Commission to strengthen its independence.
He also said the order would strengthen the office's independence by making investigators who operate out of state agencies accountable only to Ms. Mauskopf.
The successful defense of their lands against foreign invaders helped the local people in strengthening their budding independence.
In 2006, a capital campaign led to the creation of a sizeable endowment, strengthening the Institute's independence.
The advent of war should be an occasion to strengthen its independence.
They were separated from the Immigration and Naturalization Service in 1983 to strengthen their independence.
And time will only strengthen their independence.
We want to strengthen the Commission's independence.
Another absolutely essential point is that I believe the Commission must strengthen its independence from Member States.
To achieve that, it must address itself to each country individually and help it to strengthen its threatened independence as the natural context for democratic progress.