The same factors made the country attractive and vulnerable to money launderers, although late 2009 legislation has strengthened regulatory oversight of illicit funds transfers.
Sony said the management shuffle would strengthen oversight of its video game operations, which it sees as critical to its recovery.
Of this, $2.8 million will go to strengthen internal oversight of the staff and spending.
The move comes amid a Congressional investigation of the agency and widespread calls that it strengthen oversight of drug safety.
Strengthen legal oversight over litigation for maintaining and promoting judicial justice.
The House today unanimously approved a bill intended to strengthen oversight of the nation's futures markets and improve their record keeping.
The Agency was established in 2001 by the federal government to strengthen oversight of consumer issues and expand consumer education in the financial sector.
Agnos also strengthened civilian oversight of the Police Department.
To strengthen oversight and reduce disparities in resources, money that was once collected and distributed locally is now channeled through the church's central office.
We should be strengthening oversight and accountability.