Moscow's idea is that the proposals it has put forward for strengthening the United Nations should be formally designated a new world security system.
There was also palpable relief that the United States would try to strengthen the United Nations instead of sidelining it.
The president should lead in strengthening the United Nations and other international government and nongovernment organizations.
With forward-looking rhetoric, world leaders pledged Friday to strengthen the United Nations.
His leadership was part of a national movement that argued that the best opportunity for peace was in strengthening the United Nations, not making military training mandatory.
This document, issued at the height of the Cold War, also included a denunciation of the nuclear arms race and a call for strengthening the United Nations.
With Moscow's new willingness to resolve regional disputes, he sees possibilities for strengthening the United Nations.
Where strengthening the United Nations is concerned, I do not see any change in emphasis in the USA's policies.
Mr Laschet's report is important, as is the ability of our Parliament to strive towards strengthening and coordinating the United Nations.
Cosmopolitan democracy, for example, suggests strengthening the United Nations and other international organizations by creating a World Parliamentary Assembly.