The options were pieced together after strenuous debate between environmental advisers and economic advisers, who expressed reservations about the potential cost of controlling emissions too quickly.
In fact, a strenuous debate is under way over which data encryption standard to support.
After five days of strenuous national debate, a national conference on this island's future concluded today with a call for popular presidential elections.
Last year, after long and strenuous debate, the country passed an "employment equity" bill, which is intended to force large companies to develop affirmative-action programs.
Following a strenuous debate, Congress agreed in July 1980.
Kenya's creeping ecological debacle has set off a strenuous debate among ranchers, scientists, conservationists and small farmers over how to reverse the trend.
The Assembly passed the Bill after strenuous political debate, including the adoption of a House amendment requiring that the schools be non-sectarian.
The accuracy of describing it as a "war" and the political motivations and consequences are the topic of strenuous debate.
The subject of strikes has caused strenuous debate in recent months, as workers in several industries have walked off the job, usually for short periods of time.
Rather strenuous debates on religious issues were quite commonplace and Uncle Tommy was always ready to take part.