Yes, it stretches credibility, but it still has some great moments.
It stretches credibility to conclude that the repeated misstatements were innocent mistakes.
"Some of the statements being made were stretching credibility to its limits," he said.
And the longer it goes on, the more it has stretched credibility.
When you consider it afterward, several major plot developments stretch credibility to the breaking point.
Although the surprises often stretch credibility, the direction and the acting go a long way in compensating.
In the second act there is a sequence that stretches credibility - even on the author's fanciful terms.
There are several theories on what it might be, but each is so unique in itself that it stretches credibility.
It stretches credibility that there would be two people he'd risk everything for.
To secure his love, she must resort to a deceit that stretches credibility to the breaking point.